Amber Alert cancelled, Garden City child safe

Amber Alert cancelled, Garden City child safe

Amber Alert cancelled, Garden City child safe

UPDATE: The Amber Alert has been cancelled. Sebastian was found safe in the Tahoe that had been reported stolen. No suspect was found.

An Amber Alert has been issued out of Garden City in an effort to find 1-year-old Sebastian Bautista.

He was in a car that was stolen around 5 a.m., from 41-1 East US-50, in Garden City. The stolen car is a white, 2011 Tahoe, with a tag of 336 FWK. That is a different tag than what was first reported. There have been reports of a car matching that description heading toward Liberal.

There is no description of the person who stole the car.

If you have more information, call 911 or the Garden City Police Department at 620-276-1300.


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