
On Air

Kris Carson

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Avoid being a burglary victim over the holidays

Avoid being a burglary victim over the holidays

Avoid being a burglary victim over the holidays

Being the victim of a burglary is always terrible but it can be an especially hard blow over the holidays.

Wichita police have a few suggestions to help keep yourself from being targeted by thieves.

You may consider avoiding social media posts that talk about a long vacation or trip you’ll be taking. If you will be away from home for a while, you can put a temporary halt on mail delivery. A full mailbox may tip someone off that nobody is home. You can also let your police substation know if you’ll be out of town for a while. Your community officer will be notified and they will do extra patrols around your home as time allows.

The use of outdoor lights and cameras can also deter burglars from targeting your home. A home security system that alerts dispatch or connects to the internet is preferred.

Making a record of your valuables can help recover stole property. Photos with serial numbers of items, especially electronics, may make it easier to get your property back if it turns up.

Police say most burglaries are crimes of opportunity , and that recent cases involve garage doors being left up or cars unlocked.

You may also consider starting up a neighborhood watch program in your area if one is not already in place.

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