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Mon - Fri: 02:00 PM - 07:00 PM

USD 259 considering return to classrooms

USD 259 considering return to classrooms

USD 259 considering return to classrooms

Wichita’s Board of Education will consider plans to send kids back to classrooms at tonight’s meeting.

Superintendent, Dr. Alicia Thompson, shared a recommendation that calls for kids to return as early as this week. The plan being proposed would have elementary students return for in-person classes on January 13. Onsite Pre-K would resume January 14. Middle and high school students would return to a hybrid system on January 25. This would divide students into groups that would rotate between online and in-person classes.

If you have opted for your child to use remote learning options, you won’t see any change if the return to classrooms is approved.

Tonight’s meeting is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. You can watch it live using the link below.

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